Weekly Midweek Gathering for students 7th grade-12th grade!

Wednesday Nights from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Come enjoy some fun, food, and fellowship!


Our friends are some of the most important people in our lives.  Our friends know us best.  They’re the people we’ve spent countless hours with telling stories, laughing, and creating memories together.  We all know having great friendships means a lot more than just having people to hang out with, but how do you find friends like that?  How do you build the kinds of friendships that last?  And what do you do if you feel like your friendships aren’t everything you’d want them to be?  In this four-week series from the Gospels, we’ll take a look at how Jesus treated the people he cared about in order to learn how we can better treat our friends.  Through Jesus’ example, we’ll discover that friends don’t miss a chance to care for each other, aren’t afraid to challenge each other, don’t let differences divide them, and aren’t afraid to talk about what they believe.